having become a late blooming lover of all things social media-ive told my friends that they will probably find out my diagnosis simultaneously with me as Twitter makes saying you do or dont have cancer easy in less than 140 characters. They would expect nothing less from me, and were the tables turned and the news were bad,..friends unfortunately would have to wait a LONG time to hear from me because after all-you can only say you have cancer over the phone to so many family members before you are done for the day..so catch me there tomorrow...appointment is at 1pm-

Am I nervous? Only a little- Im sure it'll be on my mind all afternoon and tonite Ill curl up with Mira on the couch, read where the wild things are (again) ask my hubby to pour me a few glasses of scuppernong wine and probably fall off asleep with him. Just think. Tomorrow night- I will know.